
Memory - from Cats the Broadway Musical

Memory, turn your face to the moonlight
Let your memory lead you
Open up, enter in
If you find there the meaning of what happiness is
Then a new life will begin

Memory, all alone in the moonlight
I can smile at the old days
I was beautiful then
I remember the time I knew what happiness was
Let the memory live again

Burnt out ends of smokey days
The stale cold smell of morning
The street lamp dies, another night is over
Another day is dawning

Daylight, I must wait for the sunrise
I must think of a new life
And I mustn't give in
When the dawn comes tonight will be a memory too
And a new day will begin

Sunlight, through the trees in summer
Endless masquerading

Like a flower as the dawn is breaking

The memory is fading

Touch me, it's so easy to leave me
All alone with the memory
Of my days in the sun
If you touch me you'll understand what happiness is
Look, a new day has begun


I Don't Care

Why should it hurt me when you don't say
Where you are and why you're away?
It ought not to be painful to be ignored
I understand if you are simply bored
It's sinful to worry about where you could be
When your phone won't pick up, it shan't matter to me
I've done the same thing and you said you were fine
It didn't hurt your feelings, so it shouldn't hurt mine
I guess how I worried would make you stare
But it's hard to pretend
That I don't


Was Never The Best Policy
the one who told you that
Living your life without lies
(In our Society)
Is committing suicide
In So Many Ways
Through the tangled reeds of the modern river
We cannot always slash our way through
Often we must Bend
Honesty is gold; honesty is the snow leopard
Your truthfulness is sickening
It is refreshing and eye-widening
You create the hole through which I can fit
My Truth
And I like it.


A Song For A Friend

Living through feelings no single way
Numbed by the punches you get in the fray
The darker feelings outweigh the good
So you do what you need to, but not what you should
Everyone seems to be higher than you
So you take a step up, 'cause what else can you do?

Feel yourself fall
Who could have known
That to fly so high
You would have to face
The opposite side?
You try to get better and stronger and happier with yourself
You strain with your last thought for the unreachable star
Who knew that to rise to high
you'd fall so far?

Nothing is working; you're less than before
They hands you a hot coal and you can't let go
Tears fall without effort yet deny you relief
It's okay for a moment, but the time is too brief
Sadness runs through your veins but feels like glass shards
You can't play the game if they won't give you the cards
Your personal Richter scale is at about ten
The feeling's euphoric up until when you



The absence of brain cells
Is a particular anomaly I do not, personally,
To please those who are missing several of theirs
Occasionally I shall act
In accordance
With the attitude of one
Who has no brain


Beautiful, Horrible Snow

Hope of spring and the absence of cold
Is shivering delightedly in my soul
Behind are days chilled and bold
And sunshine licks my hair

When suddenly - evilly - down there falls
A lacy feather from the incoming clouds
I realize the doom and towards heaven calls
For it to be winter no more, dang it!

Each tree is frosted, and everything blends
Into the insipid whitewashed collage
And thus in such fashion spring awkwardly ends
As if millions of swans have molted on the world



The ripples and flow of the Renaissance
Literal and lovely
Fair and fat women
Nude and muscular men
Did the art and literature reflect their society?
Or was society
A mere reflection?

And what about now?
Sharp straight lines, each
painting not expressing
But something more abstract
Is this modern, wacky type
A reflection of society
Where people are sharp straight lines
On a funky canvas...?