
Pointless Life

What does one do with a pointless life?
Put it in a box for later?
Give it away to someone
Who would actually use it?
What can a person do with something
That feels a lot like nothing?

I believe that a person who never
figures out what to do with a pointless life
Stays in a place that molds around them
And, instead of something coming from nothing
The nothing continues to dissolve
And the pointless life
Loses all value
And can't be sold for five cents
At the cheapest second hand store
Even if you throw in
A free bit
Of purpose


Uh-Oh Haiku

I am beginning
To lose stuff to post onto
Piddly Little Thoughts


Haiku: Stuck

I'm already done
With this phase of life, but still
I'm stuck with no out



The dumbest way to be
Is to feel a dumb thing
Like jealousy
You can want and wish until you're sore
But wishing doesn't make you get any more
So you just sit in a pointless state
Doing something as stupid,
And wasteful
As wait


Lack of Sleep

Little pebbles of pointless criticism
Adorn my dull facade
Crippled by my own neglect
Killing myself by simply missing sleep

Only a nap heals my headaches
Forgetful and bleary, I attempt to focus

Sliding along with bursts of awakeness
Luckily, I can get by
Even though it is ridiculously difficult
Exact measures are out of the question
Perhaps it is time for some self-discipline