

Shimmering sea
Beautiful tree
Magical earth
Color of rebirth

Rot and disease
Mold on dead fleas
Wilted, painful, dead
Ugly, graphic, dread

All perspective



Depart from the heart
This, my favorite escape,
A worthy tool in denial
Is a secret murderer
While absconding me away from pain
Simply because, if I wish to return
I can't find my heart again


Life in the Fast Lane: Haiku

Doing all I can
Running scorch marks on the road
Still not fast enough


The supercilious soul
waits with a wonder in his eye
convinced there could be no
one else who would even try.
Thus the over-confidence:
there is hardly a cause to neglect
recognizing repetitive experience
he is the cause and effect

A Combination of E.E.Cummings and Dictionary.com

My speaking (just perchancely)
has lack and repaired it might experience
aspections of improvability
thereforeby chronologicalizing me as one
obtained by intelligence
and height my credit amongst the smarts