
Instructions: How to Serve A Volleyball Overhand

Instructions: How to Serve a Volleyball Overhand

-If you are left
handed, follow all of these steps but with the opposite hands and feet-
  1. Stand while holding the volleyball in your left hand, outstretched straight in front of your body.
  2. Your left foot should be about 6 inches in front of your right foot.
  3. Pull back your right arm until your hand is level with your eyes, your elbow behind your head; a motion similar to pulling back on a bow and arrow
  4. Take a step forward with your left foot, allowing your body the momentum to swing into your next move.
  5. Your right hand should be cupped as if you were holding a volleyball.
  6. Step forward with your right foot while at the same time toss the ball higher than your head.
  7. To toss the ball: make sure that, fi the ball were to drop to the ground, it would land in front of your right foot. Otherwise, it is either too far away from or too close to you.
  8. Once you've tossed the ball in the air, quickly bring your right hand straight downward until you've hit the ball.
  9. Hit the ball with your hand when the ball is just above your head.
  10. Have your palm facing the direction you want the ball to go.

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