
Delicious Exhaustion

I know I've posted something about how "physical exercise is torture blah blah blah" but I have to admit; when you work out and feel the pain that comes from being so tired that you want to just lay down right where you are but you can't just yet, it makes you feel as if you deserve that big meal afterward or that chocolate bar.
I think, when basketball is over, I'm going to go running every morning before school from around 6 to 6:15. Not anything too much; just enough to give me a regular dose of endorphins.
A side note, with nothing to do with anything, I've decided to start writing again. I've been looking at some of my old stuff that I've written and even reading books about writing to get in the mood. So, perhaps, when I get so inspired that I'm ready to burst, I'll wake up early in the morning to write for a while.
Urghhhhh. I have a headache and I'm tired and I'm not at all done with anything that I have to do. But I AM done with this blog post, thank goodness.


Physical Pain Via Exercise

My whole body is a trembling muscle that has been thrown down a cliff, pushed over a waterfall and buried underground. At least, that's what it feels like. Exercise: is there some reason that we have to do all this work just to have the benefits? I mean, what would be so bad about being effortlessly ripped? Would it make us less appreciative of, I don't know, our ability to work or something? I'm all for no effort and all rewards; at least when physical pain is involved. Owwwwww.


New Year's Resolutions

That time of year when we look at ourselves as critically as possibly in order to see something to fix. And, at my school, goals are this whole big deal, so I've written down quite a few goals down on paper. You want a list? Of course you don't. Well, here goes.

-Start writing again
-When the snow melts, I'll run around the block before school
-Not gossip
-Try harder at basketball
-Be able to do five push-ups where I touch the floor and then come up(it's so sad that I can't do that, but I will change!!)
-Learn to brush my teeth with my left hand (I heard it helps memory; weird, huh?)
-Get a job
-Save my money for going to Europe
-Work on getting scholarships
-Win a thousand dollars