

Someday I hope to be a Someone
Going out and doing things that Somebodies do
Whether it falls to saving the world
Creating a cause, or making something new
I wish to plaster my name Somewhere
Have it stark and barren for all
No matter the ink or the height of the letters
So long as it's sturdy and will never fall
I'd love to be a figure in history
People would look back at the way
I did great things, how I changed the world
I would forever be remembered Someday

But it's a fearful possibility
That I could be a Nobody
Who goes Nowhere, does Nothing
And finds that there is no way
For my dreams to be more than
A wish for Someday



It isn't the room that spins; it's my head
Zoom! I hear it inside my ears
My eyes flick in an oddly shaped circle
Following the path my mind makes
I can't stand up; the high pressure
Would kill me
So I sit and I twirl
Both at once
The correct impossibility of this anomaly
Simply wraps reason into a ball of yarn
Then pulls one end
Until it is spinning in place
Like I am


Sad Little Haiku

Is it sad that
All my words have escaped me
Leaving me with this?