
Kind of the Theme Song of My Life; I Hope

To dream the impossible dream
To fight the unbeatable foe
To bear with unbearable sorrow
To run where the brave dare not go

To right the unrightable wrong
To love pure and chaste from afar
To try when your arms are too weary
To reach the unreachable star

This is my quest, to follow that star
No matter how hopeless, no matter how far

To fight for the right, without question or pause
To be willing to march into Hell, for a Heavenly cause

And I know if I'll only be true, to this glorious quest,
That my heart will lie peaceful and calm,
when I'm laid to my rest

And the world will be better for this:
That one man, scorned and covered with scars,
Still strove, with his last ounce of courage,
To reach the unreachable star

This is from Man of La Mancha. I got the youtube video; his face is has absolutely no expression, but he sings it just how I like. It's only the first song that I put this on here for.
The link:


Tentative Euphoria

Here it comes: expect the worse
It could never be me, of course
Wait for another name to be said
Don't you dare get those hopes in your head
I'd agonized each minute, waiting to hear
At the moment of truth, said slow and clear


Should I scream? Should I cry?
Possibilities are extensive, but then I
Can only gasp and clutch at my hair
Gone is all reason to try not to care
I WON!Everybody grins at my face
Congratulations are all over the place
"I knew right away it was gonna be you"
They say it like it's really true!

By myself, I dance in my room
My eyes closed, I flail to the boom
Of the music that reaches both fingers and toes
To outer space. I can only suppose
That it's all for me, all that I did
But there's one thing I can' get rid
Of; the unsettled thought of risking again
Standing before a judges' stand
And thinking I won't continue to win
But still be glad that I got to begin


Old Toys

All alone
I tangibly touch my childhood
I remember what I'd done with it
Who I had done it with
Memories you never could realize
Unless you touch them with your fingers
I smile
This toy, that block
All were the tools to imagination
But also to family
I haven't even seen them
In years
And now, I see the years I had with them
Where did it all go?
Are old times stretched like people?
Becoming taller, wider, more mature?
Is time like a body, moving upwards always?
Or, like old toys, they stay the same
Just fade a little
Interesting that childhood will never leave you
Only you
Can leave

Then and Now OR Sky and Rain

Hand in hand
Heart to heart
Pieces to a two piece puzzle
She and I

Side by side
Becoming surer
You and Me

A boy
A mistake
Didn't learn
More mistakes
Didn't care
She.....and I

Hesitant to care
Especially around boys
Watches aftermath of mistakes
Potential of withdrawing
In fear
You...and Me?

First went the phone calls
Then the chats and emails
Stopped caring
Friend is like the sky
I am the rain
I am easily dropped
And I don't care.
No 'And'. Just She. Then I.

Fear isn't evident
As I was cautious
To care in the first place
I remember
That friends are like skies
And I am the rain
If you want me
I'm here
You don't
I'll still be here
But not always
Friends aren't forever
I've learned that
It's up to you
If you want us to still be
You and Me.

Free Verse: Sleep

If sleep to me was beyond a word;
a fulfill I both remember and miss,
an easy gate towards senseless bliss.
Ah, restedness I envy.
Wish I: speed of light as my skill to circumnutate the earth until I find the night.
Or rather,
whilst the world will spin
I’d take a spacenap; outside the atmosphere
and stay opposite the sunny demand.

Liest he there, Sleep does.
His flutterly hand - a malicious beckon. He rests it on my head,
the weight and undeniable strength
water on my shoulders – tick tock tick
each second = more weight.
A gentle, condescending smile beside my face.
Cares who for dawn and the busy?
Life is useless
without dreams f i l l i n g in the cracks
, he says.
My drooped eyelids - flags of surrender.
of Import
speak to my deaf stupidity. Hazed vision impedes any answer.

resolve - disolvingly useless
Blank is my stare,
empty is my mind of all
but one all encompassing desire
"Sleep," every cells yearns/burns
Not a soldier, groan I
No need for solowars
My moment loss but a piffle

Back I go to consciousness.


White Lie

I am a sheet of white paper
You cannot see
The microscopic spots of black ink splattered on my surface
The white
You can see
And you don't look any closer

A crease, a fold - I am a paper airplane
I'll fly away before you will ever see
That I am not just
A sheet of white paper
There is more
Than is visible
Tiny evil black spots


Once upon a mossy log
A leech sang in the fragrant bog
It would sing a lovely tune
In the bog, beneath the moon
Like a siren on the beach
But it could not disregard
(Though it always tried so hard)
The fact it was an