

I don't know what to do with my blog anymore. I guess I'll just do whatever I feel at the moment with the occasional poem. Sound good?
So, right now I'm grounded. I'm actually enjoying it. I had so many plans for this weekend and now I'm stuck at home doing homework and sleeping. It's awesome! I haven't had any time to do ANYTHING for quite a while, it seems like. So now, because I can't talk on the phone, go on facebook, watch movies, or hang out with friends, I just do what I want to do. It sounds odd, right? But right now, instead of doing what I would just naturally do - which would usually involve doing something that I would later feel was a total waste of time - I get to do things I NEED to do, such as homework, sleep (I went to bed around 7 yesterday because I was so tired and slept until 8 this morning. THEN I took a nap from 1-3. It was deeeeeeeeeeeeelicous) and read.
So now I'm considering getting myself grounded every weekend, so I'll have some Me-time. But, I know I couldn't really do that. Alas.
I wish I could just totally redo this whole blog to something I'd actually want to READ, but I don't have the time nor motivation to actually do it. I also don't ever have anything interesting to say. Nothing interesting that I'd actually want to say HERE, at least.

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