

One of the most disastrous and diabolical happenings a teenager regularly encounters is acne. And, to make life even MORE unfair, it seems like nobody gets them but me! I don't know about you, but I look at other people and they look so clear. Then I look in the mirror and I see a garden of grossness. It's absolutely retarded, because I put SO much effort into NOT getting acne, and yet I touch my cheek and BANG! I feel it and it is gross. I wash my face CONSTANTLY. I avoid sugar when I can. I sometimes do these random little healthy scrubs. I read somewhere that if you rub potato over your face, it makes it clearer. I also read that if you put banana on your face, it helps it somehow (I don't remember exactly). Once, in a fit of healthiness, I put all my knowledge of healthy at home remedies in a bowl and slopped it on my face. I ended up with oatmeal, banana, potato, egg, olive oil, sunflower seed, and some other stuff I don't remember dripping in giant gross glops all over the place. I smelled like banana-y olive oil. Deeeeeeeeelicious, let me tell you. Not. It was rather disgusting, as I'm sure you can imagine.
Anyways, I just pound make-up on and go throughout my day pretending I'm gorgeous. That's my secret to not living in a hermitage: pretending I'm beautiful. And, as far as I know, it works. I think.

Piddly Little Quote
"Growing up is such a barbarous business, full of inconvenience... and pimples."
-Captain Hook from "Peter Pan"

1 comment:

  1. Okay, you're right, I like this one so much better. It isn't so much the writing, it is just so aesthetically pleasing!
