

I remember, when I must have been in about 5th or 6th grade, my big sister came home and put my entire family into shock. All my life, she had had the most gorgeous straight blond hair that was her pride and joy. Like Jo March’s hair, but used more as a flirt tool. And then, one day, she came home and it was gone. I remember she stopped in the living room when she saw our stunned expressions, repressed laughter evident on her face.
I had always strived to be like her. Me and her, we were the blonds in the family; the other three sisters were the brunettes. But we were the special ones. And someday I’d hoped to be as beautiful as her. But my hair wasn’t straight, and as I grew older it grew darker. But I still grew it out long. I don’t know if I realized it at the time, but when my big sister cut her hair, it was a giant change in our relationship, even if it didn’t feel like it then.
Well, I’m mentioning this now because my big sister has put our family into shock once more. I sat down at dinner. “Should we tell her?” somebody asked.
“Tell me what?” I inquired, not that I was really curious.
“[You’re sister] shaved her head,” Mom told me. I threw myself back against my chair, astounded.
It’s true! My sister is officially a freak. She’s always enjoyed shocking people, I think. And now she’s going into overload.
So now I ask you (and please comment!). Is it normal for somebody who is now celebrating her 20th birthday to shave her head? And how would you react if your sister shaved her head? And why is it a big deal when girls shave their heads, as opposed to guys? Wait; IS it a big deal for guys to shave their heads? COMMENT!!

Piddly Little Quotes
There's many a man has more hair than wit.
-William Shakespeare

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