

I hate computers. But I love what they do for me. I wish that technology would just advance enough that even the most stupid technology-wise people would be able to do whatever they want without it blowing up in their faces (literally).
For example, the template thingy on the blogs. It says something about entering in something for something...yeah, I have no idea what that even means. I really don't get it. I just click buttons and hope things work out and don't explode.

I found this funny site called Computer Stupidites (because I was mad and typed in "stupid computers" in Google)
This is the url: http://www.rinkworks.com/stupid/

Piddly Little Quotes
"Many people have called to ask where the "any" key is on their keyboards when the "Press Any Key" message is displayed."

"One user told me he couldn't find the 'OK' button on his keyboard."

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